December 2016 – Omer Open Museum & YMCA Jerusalem

A winter festival of masterclasses, rehearsals, concerts, and workshops for building musical instruments under the direction of “Meytar – Musical Instruments”. The festival took place at the Omer Industrial Park Open Museum in the Negev, while the end of the festival was celebrated with a gala concert at the YMCA Hall in Jerusalem. This was in collaboration with Yad Eli, a charity for children in need, and Rotary Jerusalem. Chen Zimbalista was the Musical Director and the festival was sponsored by the Open Museums.


Mozart – Well-known pieces from “The Marriage of Figaro”;  Bizet –  Well-known pieces from “Carmen” Opera; Bach – Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C Minor; Levitas – Zimba and Haydn’s Symphony No. 6

Artists (alphabetical order):

Tanya Beltser (violin), Janna Gandelman (violin), Erich Oskar Huetter (Austria/cello), Bella Kanti (Viola), Robert Kanti (Violin), Roman Kot (French Horn), Kobi Lilian (Piano and Composer),  Adiel Schmitt (Cello and Conductor)

The festival program included:

Festive gala concert at the Jerusalem YMCA Hall. Among the participants: Maayan Bayder- Yaakobson (bass); Asher Blechman (violin); Janna Gandelman (violin); Noa Hope (mezzo-soprano); Bella Kanti (viola); Robert Kanti (violin); Tanya Schmidt (dance), Alita Zeitlin (choir conductor)
Workshops for building musical instruments led by “Meytar – Musical Instruments”
Open classes
and master classes Family-friendly concerts with
the festival orchestra.

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